ASIAN FASHION ACADEMY 亚洲时尚学会是由亚洲国家的时尚教育行业共同发起成立的非营利性国际组织,简称“时尚学会”,旨在通过增进亚洲国家时尚教育机构及模特有关团体之间的研讨交流,提高亚洲模特教育教学的整体水平,从而提升亚洲模特行业的国际地位,推动亚洲文化产业共荣。


Asian Fashion Academy The Institute of Fashion is a non-profit international organization co-sponsored by the fashion education industry of Asian countries. It aims to improve the overall level of education and teaching of Asian models and enhance the international level of the Asian model industry by enhancing the exchange of discussions between fashion education institutions and model-related organizations in Asian countries. To promote the common prosperity of Asian cultural industries.